@article{PAR00002355, title = {{S}easonal effect of the exotic invasive plant {S}olidago gigantea on soil p{H} and {P} fractions}, author = {{H}err, {C}. and {C}hapuis {L}ardy, {L}ydie and {D}assonville, {N}. and {V}anderhoeven, {S}. and {M}eerts, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}nvasions by alien plants can alter biogeochemical cycles in recipient ecosystems. {W}e test if {E}arly {G}oldenrod ({S}olidago gigantea) alters {P} fractions. {T}o that end, we compare invaded plots and adjacent, uninvaded resident vegetation for specific fractions of organic and inorganic {P}, phosphomonoesterase ({PME}) activity in topsoil, and immobilization of {P} in above- and belowground organs and in soil microbial biomass. {I}nvaded plots had lower soil p{H} and 20%-30% higher labile {P} fractions (resin-{P}-i, bicarb-{P}-i, {N}a{OH}-{P}i), and the difference was consistent across seasons. {T}here was no difference in microbial {P}. {A}lkaline-{PME} activity was 30% lower in topsoil of invaded plots. {A}nnual {P} uptake in aboveground phytomass was not markedly higher in {S}olidago. {I}n contrast, {P} in belowground organs steadily increased in autumn in invaded plots, due to both increased biomass and increased {P} concentrations. {T}his indicated higher net {P} immobilization in {S}olidago, far in excess of both resorption from senescing shoots and {P} requirements for aboveground biomass in subsequent year. {H}igher turnover rates of {P} in belowground organs and mobilization of sparingly soluble {P} forms through rhizosphere acidification may be involved in the observed differences in soil {P} status between invaded and uninvaded plots.}, keywords = {exotic species effects ; {E}arly {G}oldenrod ; soil plant {P} cycling ; soil phosphorus availability ; microbial biomass {P} ; phosphomonoesterase}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {P}lant {N}utrition and {S}oil {S}cience {Z}eitschrift fur {P}flanzenernahrung und {B}odenkunde}, volume = {170}, numero = {6}, pages = {729--738}, ISSN = {1436-8730}, year = {2007}, DOI = {10.1002/jpln.200625190}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00002355}, }