@article{PAR00002079, title = {{S}patial and temporal patterns of {Z}aire ebolavirus antibody prevalence in the possible reservoir bat species}, author = {{P}ourrut, {X}avier and {D}elicat, {A}. and {R}ollin, {P}. {E}. and {K}siazek, {T}. {G}. and {G}onzalez, {J}ean-{P}aul and {L}eroy, {E}ric}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}o characterize the distribution of {Z}aire ebolavirus ({ZEBOV}) infection within the 3 bat species ({E}pomops franqueti, {H}ypsignathus monstrosus, and {M}yonycteris torquata) that are possible reservoirs, we collected 1390 bats during 2003-2006 in {G}abon and the {R}epublic of the {C}ongo. {D}etection of {ZEBOV} immunoglobulin {G} ({I}g{G}) in 40 specimens supports the role of these bat species as the {ZEBOV} reservoirs. {ZEBOV} {I}g{G} prevalence rates (5%) were homogeneous across epidemic and nonepidemic regions during outbreaks, indicating that infected bats may well be present in nonepidemic regions of central {A}frica. {ZEBOV} {I}g{G} prevalence decreased, significantly, to 1% after the outbreaks, suggesting that the percentage of {I}g{G}-positive bats is associated with virus transmission to other animal species and outbreak appearance. {T}he large number of {ZEBOV} {I}g{G}-positive adult bats and pregnant {H}. monstrosus females suggests virus transmission within bat populations through fighting and sexual contact. {O}ur study, thus, helps to describe {E}bola virus circulation in bats and offers some insight into the appearance of outbreaks.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {I}nfectious {D}iseases}, volume = {196}, numero = {{S}uppl. 2}, pages = {{S}176--{S}183}, ISSN = {0022-1899}, year = {2007}, DOI = {10.1086/520541}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00002079}, }