@article{PAR00001881, title = {{R}adar signatures of sahelian surfaces in mali using {ENVISAT}-{ASAR} data}, author = {{B}aup, {F}. and {M}ougin, {E}ric and {H}iernaux, {P}. and {L}opes, {A}. and {R}osnay de, {P}. and {C}h{\^e}nerie, {I}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his paper presents an analysis of {ENSIVAT} {A}dvanced {S}ynthetic {A}perture {R}adar data acquired over a {S}ahelian region located in {M}ali, {W}est {A}frica. {T}he considered period is 2004-2005 and includes two rainy seasons. {E}mphasis is put on two {S}can{SAR} modes, namely, the {G}lobal {M}onitoring ({GM}) and the {W}ide {S}wath ({WS}) modes characterized by spatial resolutions of about {I} km and 150 m, respectively. {R}esults show that the {WS} mode offers better performance in terms of radiometric resolution, radiometric stability, and speckle reduction than the {GM} mode. {T}he latter is more appropriate for studies at large scale (> 10 x 10 km). {I}n both modes, pronounced angular and temporal signatures are observed for most soil surfaces, and azimuthal effects are observed on markedly orientated rocky surfaces. {I}n contrast, polarization differences ({VV}/{HH}) are small during the dry season except on flat loamy soil surfaces. {F}inally, a relationship is observed between the normalized {WS} backscattering signal at {HH} polarization and the surface soil moisture of sandy soils.}, keywords = {{A}dvanced {S}ynthetic {A}perture {R}adar {ASAR} ; {ENVISAT} ; global monitoring ; radar ; sahel ; soil moisture ; wide swath}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}eee {T}ransactions on {G}eoscience and {R}emote {S}ensing}, volume = {45}, numero = {7 - {P}art 2}, pages = {2354--2363}, ISSN = {0196-2892}, year = {2007}, DOI = {10.1109/{TGRS}.2007.893824}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00001881}, }