@article{PAR00001706, title = {{T}he potential of {L}-band {SAR} for quantifying mangrove characteristics and change : case studies from the tropics}, author = {{L}ucas, {R}. {M}. and {M}itchell, {A}. {L}. and {R}osenqvist, {A}. and {P}roisy, {C}hristophe and {M}elius, {A}. and {T}icehurst, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {1. {T}he {J}apan {A}erospace {E}xploration {A}gency's ({JAXA}) {A}dvanced {L}and {O}bserving {S}atellite ({ALOS}) {L}-band {P}hased {A}rray {S}ynthetic {A}perture {R}adar ({PALSAR}), launched successfully in {J}anuary 2006, will provide new data sets for coastal ecosystems mapping and change monitoring at local to global scales. 2. {T}o evaluate {L}-band capability for mangrove applications, data acquired by the {NASA} airborne {SAR} ({AIRSAR}) and {J}apanese {E}arth {R}esources {S}atellite ({JERS}-1 {SAR}) over sites in {A}ustralia, {F}rench {G}uiana and {M}alaysia were used to demonstrate benefits for mapping extent and zones, retrieving biomass and structural attributes (e.g. height), and detecting change. 3. {T}he research indicates that mapping is most effective where mangroves border non-forested areas and where differences in structure, as a function of species, growth stage and biomass distributions, occur between zones. 4. {U}sing {L}-band {SAR}, biomass can be retrieved up to similar to 100-140 {M}g ha(-1) although retrieval is complicated by a noticeable decrease in {L}-band backscattering coefficient within higher (similar to > 200 {M}g ha(-1)) biomass stands, particularly those with extensive prop root systems. 5. {C}hange detection through multi-temporal comparison of data proved useful for mapping deforestation/regeneration and mangrove dynamics associated with changing patterns of sedimentation. 6. {T}he research highlights the likely benefits and limitations of using {ALOS} {PALSAR} data and supports {JAXA}'s {K}yoto and {C}arbon ({K}&{C}) {I}nitiative in promoting the use of these data for regional mangrove assessment.}, keywords = {mangroves ; tropics ; radar remote sensing ; change detection}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}quatic {C}onservation {M}arine and {F}reshwater {E}cosystems}, volume = {17}, numero = {3}, pages = {245--264}, ISSN = {1052-7613}, year = {2007}, DOI = {10.1002/aqc.833}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00001706}, }