@article{PAR00000459, title = {{A}n investigation into the zooplankton composition of a prominent 38-k{H}z scattering layer in the {N}orth {S}ea}, author = {{M}air, {A}. {M}. and {F}ernandes, {P}. {G}. and {L}ebourges {D}haussy, {A}. and {B}rierley, {A}. {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his study aims to determine the contribution made by zooplankton to acoustic scattering layers, which are particularly strong at 38 k{H}z, in the northern {N}orth {S}ea in summer. {I}t uses a combination of net sampling and forward and inverse acoustic modelling of data collected at 38, 120 and 200 k{H}z in {J}uly 2003. {Z}ooplankton samples were collected from regions of strong acoustic scattering in depths to similar to 50 m, using a undulating towed ({U}-tow) vehicle. {A}coustic data recorded simultaneously were scrutinized to determine actual backscattering, expressed as mean volume backscattering strength ({MVBS}) (d{B}). {T}his observed {MVBS} ({MVBS}obs) was compared with backscattering predicted by application of appropriate acoustic models ({MVBS}pred) to sampled densities of zooplankton. {I}n all instances, {MVBS}obs was greater than {MVBS}pred, with the difference considerably more pronounced at 38 k{H}z. {T}here was a weak correlation between {MVBS}pred and {MVBS}obs at all three frequencies, with the greatest correlation (r = 0.450, {P} = 0.545) at 120 k{H}z. {A} number of candidate acoustic models were inverted in order to infer the most likely type of scatterer. {I}n most cases, scatterers with a gas inclusion were predicted by this method. {P}otential sources of inconsistencies between {MVBS}pred and {MVBS}obs were identified which, when considered alongside the presented forward and inverse solutions, indicate that 38 k{H}z scattering in particular must be due to sources other than sampled zooplankton.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {P}lankton {R}esearch}, volume = {27}, numero = {7}, pages = {623--633}, ISSN = {0142-7873}, year = {2005}, DOI = {10.1093/plankt/fbi035}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00000459}, }