@article{PAR00000409, title = {{A}llergen-specific {I}g{E} and {I}g{G}4 are markers of resistance and susceptibility in a human intestinal nematode infection}, author = {{T}urner, {J}. {D}. and {F}aulkner, {H}. and {K}amgno, {J}. and {K}ennedy, {M}. {W}. and {B}ehnke, {J}. and {B}oussinesq, {M}. and {B}radley, {J}. {E}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}g{G}4 has been proposed to act as a 'blocking antibody' due to its ability to compete for the same epitopes as {I}g{E} thus preventing {I}g{E}-dependent allergic responses. {I}g{G}4 and {I}g{E} are both elevated in helminth infections and strong anti-parasite {I}g{E} responses are associated with resistance to infection. {W}e wished to determine the relationship between anti-parasite {I}g{G}4 and {I}g{E} and {A}scaris lumbricoides infection status. {W}e examined anti-parasite responses, including antibody levels to recombinant {A}scaris allergen-1{A} (r{ABA}-1{A}), a target of serum {I}g{E} in endemic populations. {W}orm burden was indirectly estimated by measuring parasite egg output in a cross-sectional human population ({N} = 105). {L}evels of anti-parasite {I}g{G}4 and {I}g{E} in patients' plasma were quantified by immunoassay. {G}lobal anti-parasite antibody responses did not bear any significant relationships with intensity of {A}scaris infection. {I}ndividuals who had detectable levels of {I}g{E} but not {I}g{G}4 to r{ABA}-1{A} (11%) had lower average levels of infection compared with individuals who produced anti-r{ABA}-1{A} {I}g{G}4 (40%) and sero-negative individuals (49%) ({P} = 0.008). {T}he ratio of {I}g{G}4/{I}g{E} in r{ABA}-1{A} responders positively correlated with intensity of infection ({P} < 0.025). {I}g{G}4 levels positively correlated with infection level in younger children (age 4-11) where average levels of infection were increasing ({P} = 0.038), whereas allergen specific {I}g{E} emerged as a correlate of immunity in older children and adults (age 12-36) where infection levels were decreasing ({P} = 0.048). {T}herefore, in a gastrointestinal helminth infection, differential regulation of anti-allergen antibody isotypes relate to infection level. {O}ur results are consistent with the concept that {I}g{G}4 antibody can block {I}g{E}-mediated immunity and therefore allergic processes in humans. (c) 2005 {E}lsevier {SAS}. {A}ll rights reserved.}, keywords = {{I}g{E} ; {I}g{G}4 ; allergen ; helminth ; immunity ; {T}h2}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}icrobes and {I}nfection}, volume = {7}, numero = {7-8}, pages = {990--996}, ISSN = {1286-4579}, year = {2005}, DOI = {10.1016/j.micinf.2005.03.036}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/{PAR}00000409}, }