@article{fdi:43829, title = {{A}gelastatin {A}, a new skeleton cytotoxic alkaloid of the oroidin family : isolation from the {A}xinellid sponge {A}gelas dendromorpha of the {C}oral {S}ea}, author = {{D}'{A}mbrosio, {M}. and {G}uerriero, {A}. and {D}ebitus, {C}{\'e}cile and {R}ibes, {O}. and {P}usset, {J}. and {L}eroy, {S}. and {P}ietra, {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}gelastatin {A}, isolated from the axinellid sponge #{A}gelas dendromorpha$ of the {C}oral {S}ea, is a new skeleton alkaloid with, unusually for the oroidin family to which it belongs, marked cytototoxicity toward tumour cells in culture. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{INVERTEBRE} {AQUATIQUE} ; {ALCALOIDE} ; {CULTURE} {IN} {VITRO} ; {ACTIVITE} {BIOLOGIQUE} ; {AGELASTATINE} {A} ; {CYTOTOXICITE} ; {EPONGE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of the {C}hemical {S}ociety.{L}ondon.{C}hemical {C}ommunications}, numero = {}, pages = {1305--1306}, ISSN = {0022-4936}, year = {1993}, DOI = {10.1039/c39930001305}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:43829}, }