@article{fdi:43012, title = {{C}revettes p{\'e}n{\'e}ides r{\'e}colt{\'e}es en {M}er {R}ouge, de 1977 {\`a} 1981, par les navires "{S}onne" et "{V}aldivia}, author = {{C}rosnier, {A}lain}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{S}amples collected from 1977-1981 by {RV} "{S}onne" and "{V}aldivia" appear to confirm that the {R}ed {S}ea contains only three species of peneid shrimps in deep water. {A}ll three are endemic. {T}wo of them, #{P}arapenaeus fissuroides erythraeus$ and #{M}etapenaeopsis erythraea$, have close relatives in the {I}ndo-{W}est-{P}acific but the third, #{P}leoticus steindachneri$, belongs to a genus found elsewhere only in the {W}est {A}tlantic. {T}he taxonomic characters of the latter are partly redescribed and discussed. {T}he high temperature of the deep water of the {R}ed {S}ea explains the composition and the depth distribution of the {P}eneid shrimp populations. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{CREVETTE} ; {TAXONOMIE} ; {ANATOMIE} {ANIMALE} ; {DISTRIBUTION} {SPATIALE} ; {CRUSTACE} ; {MER} {ROUGE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}enckenbergiana {B}iologica}, volume = {69}, numero = {4/6}, pages = {379--388}, ISSN = {0037-2102}, year = {1988}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:43012}, }