@incollection{fdi:42794, title = {{C}omparaisons des syst{\`e}mes productifs de l'{A}tlantique tropical est : d{\^o}mes thermiques, upwellings c{\^o}tiers et upwelling {\'e}quatorial}, author = {{V}oituriez, {B}. and {H}erbland, {A}lain}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{A}ll the high-productive systems of the {E}astern tropical {A}tlantic between 20°{N} and 15°{S} - coastal upwelling, equatorial upwelling, and thermal domes-are partly controlled by the subsuperficial equatorial countercurrent system, which feeds all of them with {S}outhern {A}tlantic {C}entral {W}ater. {H}owever, the enrichment processes in the systems are quite different, and thus the structures differ from one another. {T}wo types have to be considered : 1) the quasi geostrophic ones which are two-layered systems belonging to the "typical tropical situations", where the primary production is controlled by the depth of the nitraciline; 2) the systems including coastal upwelling and equatorial divergence in summer, where the warm nitrate-depleted mixed layer is absent. ({D}'apr{\`e}s r{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{COURANT} {EQUATORIAL} ; {CONTRECOURANT} ; {UPWELLING} ; {COURANT} {GEOSTROPHIQUE} ; {PRODUCTION} {PRIMAIRE} ; {GOLFE} {DE} {GUINEE} ; {ATLANTIQUE} {TROPICAL}}, booktitle = {{T}he {C}anary student : studies of an upwelling system}, volume = {180}, numero = {}, pages = {107--123}, address = {{C}openhague}, publisher = {{CIEM}}, series = {{R}apports et {P}roc{\`e}s-{V}erbaux des {R}{\'e}unions du {C}onseil {I}nternational pour l'{E}xploration de la {M}er}, year = {1982}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:42794}, }