@inproceedings{fdi:42337, title = {{T}hermal anomalies in {T}ropical areas of the {A}tlantic possible consequences for albacore ({T}hunnus alalunga) recruitment}, author = {{L}eroy, {C}. and {B}inet, {D}enis}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e have tried to test the hypothesis that sea surface temperature anomalies in the supposed spawning area have an influence on the recruitment of albacore, three years later. {C}onsidering a temperature of 24°{C} as a spawning limiting factor, we have computed the anomalies since 1964 in the 14°{N} to 30°{N} and 30°{W} to 60°{W} geographical area, from {M}ay to {S}eptember, and in the part of the area where the monthly mean temperature since 1964 was between 24° and 25°{C}. {R}ecruitment estimated from cohort analysis and recruitment estimated from catches by unit of effort ({CPUE} 3), taken back to the year of birth, seem respectively correlated with the thermal anomalies with a 3 years lag until 1976 and 1977, according to the year of birth. {F}rom 1978 onwards, the {CPUE} 3 are lower than expected from the chronology of thermal anomalies. {W}e suppose that a discontinuity in the {CPUE} 3 series may explain this difference. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{THON} ; {TEMPERATURE} {DE} {SURFACE} ; {ANOMALIE} ; {PONTE} ; {CORRELATION} {STATISTIQUE} ; {ALBACORE} ; {ATLANTIQUE} {TROPICAL}}, numero = {}, pages = {291--299}, booktitle = {{L}ong term changes in marine fish populations = {C}ambios de largo termino en poblaciones de peces marinos}, year = {1988}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:42337}, }