@article{fdi:42334, title = {{I}sotopic and biochemical composition of particulate organic matter in a shallow water estuary ({G}reat {O}use, {N}orth {S}ea, {E}ngland)}, author = {{F}ichez, {R}enaud and {D}ennis, {P}. and {F}ontaine, {M}.{F}. and {J}ickells, {T}.{D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he biogeochemistry of particulate organic matter was studied in the {G}reat {O}use estuary draining to the {N}orth {S}ea embayement known as the {W}ash from {M}arch 1990 to {J}anuary 1991. {E}leven locations were sampled monthly on a 50 km transect across the shallow estuary from the tidal weir to the middle of the {W}ash. {P}articulate organic carbon ({POC}) and total carbohydrate, protein and lipid analyses were combined with the determination of stable carbon isotopes... {T}he proportional importance of the uncharacterized fraction of {POC}, which is considered as complex organic matter, was high from {S}eptember to {J}anuary and low from {M}arch to {A}ugust. {D}uring most of the year, the biochemical compositions of particulate matter was high from {S}eptember to {J}anuary and low from {M}arch to {A}ugust. {D}uring most of the year, the biochemical compositions of particulate organic matter in the turbidity maximum an the rest of the estuary were similar. ({D}'apr{\`e}s r{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{ESTUAIRE} ; {MATIERE} {ORGANIQUE} {PARTICULEE} ; {CARBONE} ; {COMPOSITION} {CHIMIQUE} ; {ISOTOPE} ; {CYCLE} {BIOGEOCHIMIQUE} ; {ROYAUME} {UNI} ; {MER} {DU} {NORD} ; {GREAT} {OUSE} {ESTUAIRE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}arine {C}hemistry}, numero = {43}, pages = {263--276}, ISSN = {0304-4203}, year = {1993}, DOI = {10.1016/0304-4203(93)90231-{C}}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:42334}, }