@article{fdi:42205, title = {{C}omparison of the altimetric signal with in situ measurements in the {T}ropical {A}tlantic ocean}, author = {{A}rnault, {S}abine and {G}ourdeau, {L}. and {M}{\'e}nard, {Y}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}n intensive survey of {XBT} and surface salinity sampling was carried out during september/october 1988 to compare surface dynamic heigh anomalies and altimetric anomalies along a line close to a {GEOSAT} satellite track in the {T}ropical {A}tlantic ocean, 15°{N}-18°{S}. {H}ydrography and altimetry agree within 4 cm rms, except in the {S}outhern part of the section ({S}outh of 5°{S}). {I}n the {N}orthern hemisphere, the correlation between the two data sets is about 0.80 and the two power spectra present the same energy level .... {T}he hydrographic data show an unusual tongue of fresh water around 7°{N} that results in positive dynamic height anomalies of about 10 dyn cm. {T}he {GEOSAT} data analysed during the same period also show these anomalies with a similar scale. ({D}'apr{\`e}s r{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{ALTIMETRIE} ; {ACQUISITION} {DE} {DONNEES} ; {HAUTEUR} {DYNAMIQUE} ; {NIVEAU} {MARIN} ; {SALINITE} ; {MESURE} {IN} {SITU} ; {ETUDE} {COMPARATIVE} ; {ATLANTIQUE} {TROPICAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{D}eep {S}ea {R}esearch}, volume = {39}, numero = {3/4}, pages = {481--499}, ISSN = {0198-0149}, year = {1992}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:42205}, }