@article{fdi:41089, title = {{J}uvenile fish assemblages of a tropical flooplain river : the {C}entral {D}elta of {N}iger, {M}ali : a preliminary study}, author = {{B}{\'e}nech, {V}incent and {P}enaz, {M}. and {W}uillot, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he species and size composition, relative abundance and biomass were studied in fish assemblages inhabiting various habitats of the {C}entral {D}elta of the {N}iger {R}iver with a special regard to young-of-the-year fish. {A} beach fry seine, fine-meshed gill net and fry traps were used when sampling the fish in floodplain sectors {O}uro {M}odi, {M}opti and {W}alado {D}ebo during {N}ovember 1990, i.e. during just decreasing flood and beginning downstream migration of juvenile fish. {T}he results of sampling were strongly dependent upon the types of habitat studied and fishing device used, as well as upon the day time during which the fishing action was performed. {A}ltogether, 38 taxa were registered. {T}he relative abundance and biomass (in terms of catch per one action of a 8-m beach seine) ranged 16 - 2,680 inds and 7 - 976 g, resp. {T}he maximun values of both variables were found on a littoral shallow section of the main channel of the {N}iger near the village of {B}arigondaga. ({D}'apr{\`e}s r{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{MILIEU} {DELTAIQUE} ; {PLAINE} {INONDABLE} ; {POISSON} {D}'{EAU} {DOUCE} ; {PECHE} {EXPERIMENTALE} ; {ENGIN} {PECHE} ; {SENNE} ; {FILET} {MAILLANT} ; {SELECTIVITE} {D}'{ENGINS} ; {ABONDANCE} ; {BIOMASSE} ; {PIEGE} {A} {POISSON} ; {MALI} ; {NIGER} {DELTA} {CENTRE} ; {BARIGONDAGA} {VILLAGE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}olia {Z}oologica}, volume = {41}, numero = {2}, pages = {161--174}, ISSN = {0139-7893}, year = {1992}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:41089}, }