@incollection{fdi:40870, title = {{C}onception d'une base de donn{\'e}es pour la construction de la table de production du teck ({T}ectona grandi) au {B}{\'e}nin}, author = {{F}onton, {N}.}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {}, keywords = {{PRODUCTION} {VEGETALE} ; {ARBRE} ; {SGBD} ; {BENIN}}, booktitle = {{A}ctes du deuxi{\`e}me colloque africain sur la recherche en informatique = {P}roceedings of the second {A}frican conference on research in computer science}, numero = {}, pages = {239--241}, address = {{P}aris}, publisher = {{ORSTOM}}, series = {{C}olloques et {S}{\'e}minaires}, year = {1994}, ISBN = {2-7099-1224-4}, ISSN = {0767-2896}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:40870}, }