@article{fdi:40802, title = {{M}igra{\c{c}}ao vertical nictemeral das larvas de {M}acrobrachium amazonicum num lago de varzea na {A}mazonia central, {I}lha do {C}areiro, {B}rasil}, author = {{M}oreira, {L}.{C}. and {O}dinetz {C}ollart, {O}lga}, editor = {}, language = {{POR}}, abstract = {{P}rawn larvae of #{M}acrobrachium amazonicum$ have been collected during six diel cycles in the epilimnion (surface and 2 m) from three different habitats of the {L}agos do {R}ei, {C}areiro {I}sland. {T}he larval distribution showed a significant increase in density at 22 hours regardless of season or habitat, which suggests a diel vertical migration pattern. {T}he thermal stratification of the lake (mean differential of 0.5° between the surface and 2 m and 0.6° between 2 m and 4 m) suggests that this phenomena could be only partly related to a metabolic efficiency resulting from prawns residing at cooler depths during the day. {I}n shallow tropical waters, predation by visually dependant planktivores can be a more important factor in the adaptative significance of the diel distribution of the macrozooplankton than a low thermal stratification. {T}he diurnal feeding activity found in the predominant planktivores fish species of the {C}areiro lake reinforces this hypothesis. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{MILIEU} {LACUSTRE} ; {PLAINE} {INONDABLE} ; {CREVETTE} ; {LARVE} ; {DISTRIBUTION} {SPATIALE} ; {MIGRATION} {VERTICALE} ; {RYTHME} {NYCTHEMERAL} ; {BRESIL} ; {AMAZONIE} ; {CAREIRO} {ILE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}mazoniana}, volume = {12}, numero = {3/4}, pages = {385--398}, ISSN = {0065-6755}, year = {1993}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:40802}, }