@incollection{fdi:40750, title = {{R}epr{\'e}sentations des p{\^e}ches et mod{\`e}les de gestion}, author = {{Q}uensi{\`e}re, {J}acques and {P}oncet, {Y}veline and {F}ay, {C}laude and {M}orand, {P}. and {K}assibo, {B}. and {R}ey, {H}{\'e}l{\`e}ne and {B}aumann, {E}veline and {B}{\'e}nech, {V}incent and {B}ousquet, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {D}ansoko, {D}. and {H}erry, {C}laude and {L}a{\¨e}, {R}aymond and {N}iar{\'e}, {T}. and {R}affray, {J}. and {T}roubat, {J}ean-{J}acques and {W}eigel, {J}ean-{Y}ves}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {}, keywords = {{MILIEU} {DELTAIQUE} ; {PECHE} {ARTISANALE} ; {GESTION} {DES} {PECHES} ; {HISTOIRE} {ECONOMIQUE} ; {TRADITION} ; {MODERNISATION} ; {POLITIQUE} {DE} {DEVELOPPEMENT} ; {MODELE} ; {MALI} ; {NIGER} {DELTA} {CENTRE}}, booktitle = {{L}a p{\^e}che dans le delta central du {N}iger : approche pluridisciplinaire d'un syst{\`e}me de production halieutique}, numero = {}, pages = {409--416}, address = {{P}aris}, publisher = {{ORSTOM} ; {K}arthala}, series = {}, year = {1994}, ISBN = {2-7099-1202-3; 2-7099-1203-1; 2-86537-{X}; 2-86537-518-8}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:40750}, }