@article{fdi:40368, title = {{W}ind induced resuspension in a shallow tropical lagoon ({GBR})}, author = {{A}rfi, {R}obert and {G}uiral, {D}aniel and {B}ouvy, {M}arc}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n shallow environments, particle resuspension can induce large ecological effects. {U}nder some certain conditions of fetch, wind velocity, bathymetry and bed roughness, resuspension is generated by wind induced waves. {D}uring {D}ecember 1991, a shallow station (1 m depth) in the north shore of a tropical lagoon ({C}{\^o}te d'{I}voire) was investigated in order to study the impact of wind induced resuspension on the ecosystem. {I}n this area, {A}ustral trade winds are dominant almost all year long, and their velocity shows a marked diel pattern. {D}uring the survey, three sequences were distinguished : a period of {A}ustral trade winds (with possible resuspension), a period of {B}orela trade winds. {O}nly {A}ustral trade winds with a speed > 3 m s-1 allowed particle resuspension. {F}or chlorophyll, mineral seston and ammonia, significantly higher values were noted during the windy sequences. {C}onductivity and water colour varied in relation to tides. {G}ranulometric and mineralogical analyses showed that only the 0-3 cm superficial level of the sediment was involved in resuspension. ({D}'apr{\`e}s r{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{LAGUNE} ; {VENT} ; {CONSEQUENCE} {ECOLOGIQUE} ; {MATIERE} {EN} {SUSPENSION} ; {CONDUCTIVITE} ; {SEDIMENT} ; {GRANULOMETRIE} ; {PRODUCTIVITE} {BIOLOGIQUE} ; {ALIZE} ; {HOULE} ; {COTE} {D}'{IVOIRE} ; {EBRIE} {LAGUNE} ; {LAYO} {STATION}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}stuary, {C}oastal and {S}helf {S}cience}, volume = {36}, numero = {}, pages = {587--604}, ISSN = {0272-7714}, year = {1993}, DOI = {10.1006/ecss.1993.1036}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:40368}, }