@article{fdi:39868, title = {{A} simple and rapid device for measuring planktonic primary production by in situ sampling, and 14{C} injection and incubation}, author = {{D}andonneau, {Y}ves and {L}e {B}outeiller, {A}ubert}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} system ({LET} {GO}) is described that enables measurements of primary production at sea after #in situ$ incubation, with 14{C} being injected at depth immediately after enclosure of the sample. {E}ach incubation cell, about 200 ml, is made of two transparent plexiglass cups facing each other. {M}echanical energy to operate the system is provided by the tension of the nylon line between the drifting buoy, which holds the experimental equipment, and a weight at the bottom : when the line is strained, the two cups enclose the water sample, and the 14{C} is delivered by a syringe. {A}bsence of metallic or rubber parts ensures that toxicity effects are minimized and that reliable results can be expected. {F}urthermore, #in situ$ incubations can start 1 or 2 min after arrival on station, leaving the research vessel and winches available for other tasks. {T}hese points make it possible to make #in situ$ 14{C} incubations during most oceanographic cruises and to increase greatly the acquisition rate of primary production data. {T}he {LET} {GO} device has been tested in parallel with the conventional technique. {B}oth techniques showed similar vertical patterns. {C}arbon fixation measured with the {LET} {GO}, however, was greater by a factor 1.3. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{PRODUCTION} {PRIMAIRE} ; {APPAREIL} {DE} {MESURE} ; {TECHNIQUE} ; {ANALYSE} {DE} {DONNEES} ; {INCUBATION} ; {SYSTEME} {LET} {GO} ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{D}eep {S}ea {R}esearch}, volume = {39}, numero = {5}, pages = {795--803}, ISSN = {0146-6291}, year = {1992}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:39868}, }