@article{fdi:39187, title = {{P}roduction of a {L}actobacillus plantarum {S}tarter with linamarase and amylase activities for cassava fermentation}, author = {{G}iraud, {E}ric and {G}osselin, {L}. and {R}aimbault, {M}aurice}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {#{L}actobacillus plantarum$ strain {A}6 isolated from cassava, cultured on cellobiose {MRS} medium showed a growth rate of 0.41 h-1, a biomass yield of 0.22 g g-1, and produced simultaneously an intracellular linamarase (76.4 {U} g-1 of biomass) and an extracellular amylase (36 {U} ml-1). {T}he synthesis of both enzymes was repressed by glucose. {T}he use of such a strain as a cassava fermentation starter for gari production had the following influences: a change from a heterofermentative pattern observed in natural fermentation to a homofermentation, a lower final p{H}, a faster p{H} decline rate and a grater production of lactic acid (50 g kg-1 {DM}). {H}owever, this starter did not appear to play a significant role in cassava detoxification, since it was observed that the level of endogenous linamarase released during the grating of the roots was sufficient to permit the complete and rapid breakdown of linamarin. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{BIOTECHNOLOGIE} ; {FERMENTATION} ; {MANIOC} ; {GLUCOSIDE} {CYANOGENETIQUE} ; {FERMENTEUR} {DE} {LABORATOIRE} ; {PRODUCTION} ; {ENZYME} ; {ACTIVITE} {ENZYMATIQUE} ; {BACTERIE} {LACTIQUE} ; {AMYLASE} ; {LINAMARASE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of the {S}cience of {F}ood and {A}griculture}, volume = {62}, numero = {}, pages = {77--82}, ISSN = {0022-5142}, year = {1993}, DOI = {10.1002/jsfa.2740620111}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:39187}, }