@article{fdi:36705, title = {{A} new species of {S}phenocarcinus {A}. {M}ilne {E}dwards, 1875 from tasmandis guyots, {S}. lowryi n. sp. (crustacea : decapoda : brachyura) with notes on the taxonomic status of the genus}, author = {{R}icher de {F}orges, {B}ertrand}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{U}ne nouvelle esp{\`e}ce de #{S}phenocarcinus$ {\`a} rostre bifide, #{S}. lowryi$, est d{\'e}crite de la mer de {T}asman. {C}ela porte {\`a} 17 le nombre des esp{\`e}ces du genre #{S}phenocarcinus$. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{TAXONOMIE} ; {ANATOMIE} {ANIMALE} ; {ESPECE} {NOUVELLE} ; {CRUSTACE} ; {AUSTRALIE} ; {MER} {DE} {TASMAN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}ecords of the {A}ustralian {M}useum}, volume = {44}, numero = {}, pages = {1--5}, ISSN = {00067-1975}, year = {1992}, DOI = {10.3853/j.0067-1975.44.1992.25}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:36705}, }