@article{fdi:35607, title = {{Z}ooplankton of {T}ikehau atoll ({T}uamotu archipelago) and its relationship to particulate matter}, author = {{L}e {B}orgne, {R}obert and {B}lanchot, {J}ean and {C}harpy, {L}o{\¨ie}c}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he standing stock and taxonomic composition of zooplankton (> 200 microns) were monitored in the lagoon of {T}ikehau atoll from {A}pril 1985 to {A}pril 1986. {T}hese data were supplemented by two 10 d studies on the variability, structure and functioning of the pelagic ecosystem. {T}he biomass of animals > 2000 comprised 50% of the total biomass of all organisms from 35 to >2000 microns. {T}he zooplankton populations were characterized by successive blooms of copepods, larvaceans, pteropods and salps, probably arising from the periodic input of detritus from the reef during windy period. {A}s a result, the ecosystem was not in a steady state and the data for the fluxes of organic matter are presented separately for april 1985 and april 1986. {U}sing the {C}:{N}:{P} ratio method, net growth efficiencies, {K}2, were calculated for total mezoplankton, mixed copepods, and two planktonic species, #{U}ndinula vulgaris$ and #{T}halia democratica$}, keywords = {{ZOOPLANCTON} ; {BIOMASSE} ; {CROISSANCE} ; {RESPIRATION} ; {EXCRETION} ; {MATIERE} {ORGANIQUE} {PARTICULEE} ; {POLYNESIE} {FRANCAISE} ; {TUAMOTU} ; {TIKEHAU} {ATOLL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}arine {B}iology}, numero = {102}, pages = {341--353}, year = {1989}, DOI = {10.1007/{BF}00428486}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:35607}, }