@inproceedings{fdi:35600, title = {{I}ntroduction and summary of method and results from the tropical stock assessment workshop}, author = {{P}olovina, {J}.{J}. and {B}enco, {R}.{A}. and {C}arlot, {A}lbert and {C}illaurren, {E}sp{\'e}rance and {D}alzell, {P}. and {H}oward, {N}. and {K}obayashi, {D}. and {L}atu, {T}.{F}. and {L}okani, {P}. and {N}ath, {G}. and {P}itiale, {H}. and {S}esewa, {A}. and {S}homura, {R}. and {S}ua, {T}. and {T}iroba, {G}. and {T}ulua, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}fter seven years of exploitation, {V}anuatu's deep-bottom fisheries remain at a low level of fishing efforts. {I}t is apparent that catch per unit effort ({CPUE}) is exponentially correlated to the size of the fishing area. {E}valuation of historical catch and effort data show that fishery yields at {P}aama are beginning to respond to the impact of effort. {E}stimates of yearly unexploited unexploitable biomass based on the rates of decline in {CPUE} varied from 32 to 57tons in {P}aama and 21 to 36 in {A}mbae. {A}llen's (1984) model was used for these estimates on rates of natural mortality from 0.25 to 0.50. {F}or an age of recruitment of three years, and a natural mortality of 0.25, ranges of maximal sustainable yield are between 3.4 to 18.3 tons in {P}aama and between 2.2 and 11.5 tons in {A}mbae. {A}s annual recorded catches are actually higher without a significant decline in annual catch, this suggests that equilibrium has yet to be achieved. {E}xtrapolation of estimated catch rates per nautical mile of 200 meters isobath (where most fish occurs), to the entire number of nautical miles present in {V}anuatu at this depth suggests that maximum sustainable yield isbetween 113.2 to 603.5 tons/year. {T}his biomass could sustain the full time operation of a fleet of 17 to 100 boats, fishing 120 to 150 days per boat/year. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{PECHE} {DEMERSALE} ; {ESTIMATION} {DE} {STOCK} ; {METHODOLOGIE} ; {MODELE} {MATHEMATIQUE}}, numero = {}, pages = {1--6}, booktitle = {{W}orkshop on tropical fish stock assessment}, year = {1990}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:35600}, }