@article{fdi:34009, title = {{S}hort-term changes in the partial pressure of {CO}2 in {E}astern {T}ropical {A}tlantic surface seawater and in atmospheric {CO}2 mole fraction}, author = {{O}udot, {C}laude and {A}ndri{\'e}, {C}hantal}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}ontinuous monitoring of oceanic and atmospheric {CO}2 during periods of 8 to 12 days in two particular locations of the tropical {A}tlantic was carried out during {J}une-{A}ugust 1986. {A}t the first location (convergence zone; about 5°{N}, 20°{W}), the ocean surface was generally slightly undersaturated with respect to the atmosphere, whereas at the second one ({G}uinea {D}ome; 12°{N}, 22°{W}), the ocean surface was an important source zone of {CO}2 for the atmosphere. {T}he results of {PCO}2 in surface seawater, after correction of the temperature effect, show a decrease between morning and evening related to photosynthetic activity ... {T}he net {CO}2 flux changes considerably during a short periode (8 to 12 days) in the same place, as does the gas transfer coefficient across the sea surface through the variation of the wind speed : the variability is about 80-90 %. {T}he net {CO}2 flux calculated from mean data is lower (about 30%) than the net {CO}2 flux calculated from data taken over short time intervals. in the {G}uinea {D}ome area in summer, the net {CO}2 flux can be as hinh (1.8 mmol m-2-d-1) as in the equatorial area}, keywords = {{INTERACTION} {OCEAN} {ATMOSPHERE} ; {VARIATION} {JOURNALIERE} ; {SURFACE} {MARINE} ; {DIOXYDE} {DE} {CARBONE} ; {ATLANTIQUE} {TROPICAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}ellus}, volume = {41{B}}, numero = {}, pages = {537--553}, year = {1989}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:34009}, }