@article{fdi:31926, title = {{R}ecords of geomagnetic reversals from volcanic islands of {F}rench {P}olynesia : 2. {P}aleomagnetic study of a flow sequence (1.2-0.6 {M}a) from the island of {T}ahiti and discussion of reversal models}, author = {{C}hauvin, {A}. and {R}operch, {P}ierrick and {D}uncan, {R}.{A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{U}ne s{\'e}quence volcanique de 700 m d'{\'e}paisseur a {\'e}t{\'e} {\'e}chantillon{\'e}e dans la vall{\'e}e du {P}unaruu ({T}ahiti). {L}es r{\'e}sultats de l'{\'e}tude pal{\'e}omagn{\'e}tique montrent que la s{\'e}quence a enregistr{\'e} 4 inversions du champ magn{\'e}tique terrestre. {L}es donn{\'e}es g{\'e}ochronologiques ({K}/{A}r) indiquent que l'inversion plus r{\'e}cente correspond {\`a} la transition de {M}atuyama-{B}runhes, que les 2 interm{\'e}diaires correspondent {\`a} la transition {S}aramillo et que la plus ancienne, identifi{\'e}e {\`a} la base de la s{\'e}quence, correspond {\`a} la transition {C}obb {M}ountain}, keywords = {{PALEOMAGNETISME} ; {CHAMP} {MAGNETIQUE} ; {INVERSION} ; {REMANENCE} ; {GEOCHRONOLOGIE} ; {INTENSITE} ; {SUSCEPTIBILITE} ; {POLYNESIE} {FRANCAISE} ; {TAHITI} ; {PUNARUU} {VALLEE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch}, volume = {95}, numero = {{B}3}, pages = {2727--2752}, ISSN = {0148-0227}, year = {1990}, DOI = {10.1029/{JB}095i{B}03p02727}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:31926}, }