@article{fdi:31329, title = {{A}re diarrhoea control programmes likely to reduce childhood malnutrition ? {O}bservations from rural {B}angladesh}, author = {{B}riend, {A}ndr{\'e} and {A}ziz, {K}.{M}.{A}. and {Z}ahid {H}asan, {K}. and {H}oque, {B}.{A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{G}rowth of rural {B}angladeshi children aged 6-35 months was examined in relation to the history of diarrhoea in 1772 3-month intervals. {W}eight gain and linear growth were lower in intervals with a history of diarrhoea than in intervals without diarrhoea. {H}owever, comparison of weight and height gains in intervals during which diarrhoea occured at the beginning or at the end showed that after non-bloody diarrhoeas children catch up and that deficits in weight gain and linear growth were no longer apparent a few weeks later. {T}hese findings suggest that the effect of diarrhoea on growth is transient and that efforts to control diarrhoea are unlikely to improve children's nutritional status in the long term. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{ETAT} {NUTRITIONNEL} ; {MALNUTRITION} ; {DIARRHEE} ; {NOURRISSON} ; {ENFANT} {D}'{AGE} {PRESCOLAIRE} ; {EVALUATION} ; {FACTEUR} {LIMITANT} ; {CROISSANCE} ; {GAIN} {DE} {POIDS} ; {MILIEU} {RURAL} ; {ENQUETE} ; {RATION} {ALIMENTAIRE} ; {BANGLADESH} ; {MIRZAPUR}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{L}ancet}, numero = {8658}, pages = {319--322}, year = {1989}, DOI = {10.1016/{S}0140-6736(89)90498-4}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:31329}, }