@incollection{fdi:31223, title = {{A}ging of adult tropical reef by otoliths : a comparison of three methods on {D}iagramma pictum}, author = {{B}aillon, {N}athalie and {K}ulbicki, {M}ichel}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}ge determination for #{D}iagramma pictum$, (n=102), were conducted using three methods. {T}he two first methods are based on the counts of annuli on respectively whole otolith cross sections. {T}he third method use the decrease of otolith daily growth increment ({DGI}) density with age. {T}he growth curves found with the first two methods are comparable and similar to previous results. {H}owever, the analysis of life history traits such as size at first reproduction indicates that these methods are likely to underestimate growth. {T}he use of {DGI} density yields a faster growth curve. {T}o establish this curve the relationships liking fish size to otolith radius and {DGI} density to otolith radius are needed. {T}he final growth curve is particularly sensitive to changes in these previous relationships. {F}or this reason all sizes should be well represented in the sample. {T}his method is not recommended for fish with large seasonal growth variations but could produce good {DGI} measurements for those species which have only a small zone of readible otolith. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{POISSON} {MARIN} ; {ESPECE} {TROPICALE} ; {AGE} {PHYSIOLOGIQUE} ; {CROISSANCE} ; {DETERMINATION} ; {METHODE} ; {OTOLITHE}}, booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the sixth international coral reef symposium}, numero = {}, pages = {341--346}, address = {{T}ownsville}, publisher = {{I}nternational {C}oral {R}eef {S}ymposium {E}xecutive {C}ommittee}, series = {}, year = {1988}, ISBN = {0-7316-5607-5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:31223}, }