@incollection{fdi:30353, title = {{M}orphology of mineral weathering and neoformation : 1. {W}eathering of most common silicates}, author = {{D}elvigne, {J}ean and {S}toops, {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{L}'approche micromorphologique permet de mettre en {\'e}vidence les relations existantes entre la microfabrique et la structure cristallo-chimique des silicates et les phases d'alt{\'e}ration qui en d{\'e}rivent.}, keywords = {{MINERALOGIE} ; {SILICATE} ; {ALTERATION} ; {NEOFORMATION} ; {MICROMORPHOLOGIE} ; {PSEUDOMORPHOSE} ; {FABRIQUE}}, booktitle = {{S}oil micromorphology : a basic and applied science}, numero = {19}, pages = {471--481}, address = {{A}msterdam}, publisher = {{E}lsevier}, series = {{D}evelopments in {S}oil {S}cience}, year = {1990}, ISBN = {0-444-88302-9}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:30353}, }