@incollection{fdi:24773, title = {{V}ariability of beach ridges on the coast of {M}aric{\`a} ({R}io de {J}aneiro, {B}razil)}, author = {{T}urcq, {B}runo and {C}oe, {R}. and {F}roidefond, {J}.{M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}tude morpho-s{\'e}dimentaire des cordons littoraux de la r{\'e}gion de {M}aric{\`a} ({R}io de {J}aneiro) en relation avec leur mise en place au cours du {Q}uaternaire.}, keywords = {{CORDON} {LITTORAL} ; {LIGNE} {DE} {RIVAGE} ; {SEDIMENTATION} {LITTORALE} ; {TRANSGRESSION} ; {NEOTECTONIQUE} ; {QUATERNAIRE} ; {BRESIL} ; {MARICA} ; {RIO} {DE} {JANEIRO} {ZONE} {COTIERE}}, booktitle = {{Q}uaternary of south {A}merica and {A}ntarctic peninsula}, numero = {}, pages = {45--57}, address = {{R}otterdam}, publisher = {{A}.{A}. {B}alkema}, series = {}, year = {1986}, ISBN = {90 6191 732 8}, ISSN = {0168-6305}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:24773}, }