@article{fdi:23666, title = {{S}timulation of defence reactions in citrus by fosetyl {A}l and fungal elicitors against {PHYTOPHTHORA} {S}pp. : poster paper}, author = {{K}han, {A}kthar and {R}avis{\'e}, {A}ndr{\'e}}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{L}e phos{\'e}tyl d'{A}l, comme des {\'e}liciteurs, stimule les r{\'e}actions de d{\'e}fense contre la gommose ; les substances inhibitrices accumul{\'e}es sont analogues {\`a} celles {\'e}labor{\'e}es par des cultivars naturellement r{\'e}sistants aux {PHYTOPHTHORA} spp. ({R}{\'e}sum{\'e} d'auteur)}, keywords = {{GOMMOSE} ; {CHAMPIGNON} {PARASITE} ; {INHIBITION} ; {FONGICIDE} ; {COMPOSE} {PHENOLIQUE} ; {RESISTANCE} ; {METHODE} ; {AGRUME} ; {TEST} {BIOLOGIQUE} ; {TOXICITE} ; {CHROMATOGRAPHIE} ; {ACIDE} {ARACHIDONIQUE} ; {ELICITEUR} ; {TEPA} ; {STIMULATION} {DEFENSE} ; {CULTIVAR} {RESISTANT} ; {CLHP} {VEG} {PONCIRUS} {TRIFOLIATA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {}, numero = {}, pages = {281--284}, year = {1985}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:23666}, }