@article{fdi:16502, title = {{T}he effects of helicopter applied adulticides for riverine tsetse control on {S}imulium populations in a {W}est {A}frican savanna habitat : 1. {I}ntroduction, methods and the effect on biting adults and aquatic stages of {S}imulium damnosum s.l.}, author = {{D}avies, {J}.{B}. and {G}boho, {C}. and {B}aldry, {D}.{A}.{T}. and {B}ellec, {C}hristian and {S}awadogo, {R}. and {T}iao, {P}.{C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{EN}}, abstract = {}, keywords = {{ONCHOCERCOSE} ; {LUTTE} {CHIMIQUE} ; {INSECTICIDE} {CHIMIQUE} ; {EPANDAGE} ; {EVALUATION} ; {EFFICACITE} ; {LARVE} ; {ADULTE} ; {ENDOSULFAN} ; {OMS} 570 ; {DELTAMETHRINE} ; {OMS} 1998 ; {DIELDRINE} ; {OMS} 0018 ; {SIMULIUM} {DAMNOSUM} {S}. {L}. ; {GALERIE} {FORESTIERE} ; {HAUTE} {VOLTA} ; {COMOE} {COURS} {D}'{EAU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}ropical {P}est {M}anagement}, volume = {28}, numero = {3}, pages = {284--290}, year = {1982}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:16502}, }