@article{fdi:010090161, title = {{V}ariability in growth and tissue composition ({CNP}, natural isotopes) of the three morphotypes of holopelagic {S}argassum}, author = {{C}hangeux, {T}homas and {B}erline, {L}. and {P}odlejski, {W}. and {G}uillot, {T}. and {S}tiger-{P}ouvreau, {V}. and {C}onnan, {S}. and {T}hibaut, {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{H}olopelagic {S}argassum blooms in the tropical {N}orth {A}tlantic since 2011 are composed of two species, {S}argassum natans and {S}. fluitans, and three morphotypes: {S}. natans {VIII}, {S}. natans {I} and {S}. fluitans {III}. {T}he distinct morphology and the variations in space and time of the proportion of these three morphotypes suggest that they may have different physiology. {F}or the first time, we have quantified the growth rates of these three morphotypes through in situ 9-day experiments on the coast of {M}artinique {I}sland ({F}rench {W}est {I}ndies). {D}espite the non-optimal conditions for growth for these pelagic species and the short time of the experiment, we have observed that {S}argassum fluitans {III} was growing faster (approximately twice as fast) than {S}. natans {VIII} and {S}. natans {I}. {S}argassum natans {I} exhibited the slowest growth. {T}he differences in tissue composition ({CNP} and {CN} natural isotopes) of morphotypes point to a greater benefit for {S}. fluitans {III} from the coastal localization of our experiment than for the two {S}. natans morphotypes, and suggest that {S}. natans {I} had achieved its last growth further offshore before our experiment. {T}hese contrasting growth performances are consistent with the dominance of {S}. fluitans {III} in recent observations in the {C}aribbean region and along the path from the {S}argassum belt. {T}his also makes this last morphotype the best candidate for cultivation. {M}aking the distinction between the growth performances of morphotypes may improve the current predictive models about dispersal of these species.}, keywords = {{S}eaweed ; {B}rown macroalgae ; {S}argasso ; {C}arbon ; {N}itrogen ; {P}hosphorus ; {A}lgal bloom ; {I}n-situ culture ; {MARTINIQUE} ; {ATLANTIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}quatic {B}otany}, volume = {187}, numero = {}, pages = {103644 [6 ]}, ISSN = {0304-3770}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.1016/j.aquabot.2023.103644}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010090161}, }