@article{fdi:010088456, title = {{V}olcano crisis management at {P}iton de la {F}ournaise ({L}a {R}eunion) during the {COVID}-19 lockdown}, author = {{P}eltier, {A}. and {F}errazzini, {V}. and {D}i {M}uro, {A}. and {K}owalski, {P}. and {V}illeneuve, {N}. and {R}ichter, {N}. and {C}hevrel, {M}agdalena {O}ryaelle and {F}roger, {J}. {L}. and {H}rysiewicz, {A}. and {G}ouhier, {M}. and {C}oppola, {D}. and {R}etailleau, {L}. and {B}eauducel, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {G}urioli, {L}. and {B}oissier, {P}. and {B}runet, {C}. and {C}atherine, {P}. and {F}ontaine, {F}. and {L}auret, {F}. and {G}aravaglia, {L}. and {L}ebreton, {J}. and {C}anjamale, {K}. and {D}esfete, {N}. and {G}riot, {C}. and {H}arris, {A}. and {A}rellano, {S}. and {L}iuzzo, {M}. and {G}urrieri, {S}. and {R}amsey, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n {M}arch 2020, the coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak was declared a pandemic by the {W}orld {H}ealth {O}rganization and became a global health crisis. {A}uthorities worldwide implemented lockdowns to restrict travel and social exchanges in a global effort to counter the pandemic. {I}n {F}rance, and in {F}rench overseas departments, the lockdown was effective from 17 {M}arch to 11 {M}ay 2020. {I}t was in this context that the 2-6 {A}pril 2020 eruption of {P}iton de la {F}ournaise ({L}a {R}eunion {I}sland, {I}ndian {O}cean) took place. {U}pon the announcement of the lockdown in {F}rance, a reduced activity plan was set up by the {I}nstitut de {P}hysique du {G}lobe de {P}aris, which manages the {O}bservatoire {V}olcanologique du {P}iton de la {F}ournaise ({OVPF}). {T}he aim was to (1) maintain remote monitoring operations by teleworking and (2) authorize fieldwork only for critical reasons, such as serious breakdowns of stations or transmission relays. {T}his eruption provided an opportunity for the observatory to validate its capacity to manage a volcanic crisis with 100% remotely operated monitoring networks. {W}e thus present the longand short-term precursors to the eruption, and the evolution of the eruption recorded using the real-time monitoring data as communicated to the stakeholders. {T}he data were from both continuously recording and transmitting field instruments as well as satellites. {T}he volcano observatory staff remotely managed the volcano crisis with the various stakeholders based only on these remotely functioning networks. {M}onitoring duties were also assured in the absence of ad hoc field investigation of the eruption by observatory staff or face-to-face communications. {T}he density and reliability of the {OVPF} networks, combined with satellite observations, allowed for trustworthy instrument-based monitoring of the eruption and continuity of the {OVPF} duties in issuing regular updates of volcanic activity in the context of a double crisis: volcanic and health.}, keywords = {{OCEAN} {INDIEN} ; {REUNION} ; {PITON} {DE} {LA} {FOURNAISE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}eismological {R}esearch {L}etters}, volume = {92}, numero = {1}, pages = {38--52}, ISSN = {0895-0695}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1785/0220200212}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010088456}, }