@article{fdi:010088436, title = {{T}emporal variations in porewater fluxes to a coastal lagoon driven by wind waves and changes in lagoon water depths}, author = {{R}odellas, {V}. and {C}ook, {P}.{G}. and {M}c{C}allum, {J}. and {A}ndrisoa, {A}. and {M}eul{\'e}, {S}. and {S}tieglitz, {T}homas}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}orewater fluxes, including fresh groundwater discharge and circulation of surface waters through sediments, are increasingly documented to play an important role in hydrological and biogeochemical cycles of coastal water bodies. {I}n most studies, the magnitude of porewater fluxes is inferred from geochemical tracers, but a detailed understanding of the underlying physical forces driving these fluxes remains limited. {I}n this study, we evaluate the mechanisms driving porewater fluxes in the shallow coastal {L}a {P}alme lagoon ({F}rance). {W}e combined measurements of variations of salinity and temperature in the subsurface with 1-dimensional fluid, salt and heat transport models to evaluate the dynamics of porewater fluxes across the sediment-water interface in response to temporally variable forcings. {T}wo main processes were identified as major drivers of porewater fluxes: i) temporal variations of lagoon water depths (forcing porewater fluxes up to 25 cm d(-1)) and ii) locallygenerated wind waves (porewater fluxes of similar to 50 cm d(-1)). {T}hese processes operate over different spatial and temporal scales; {W}ind-driven waves force the shallow circulation of surface lagoon waters through sediments (mostly < 0.2 m), but are restricted to strong wind events (typically lasting for 1-3 days). {I}n contrast, porewater fluxes driven by variations of lagoon water depths flush a much greater depth of sediment (> 1 m). {T}he spatial and temporal scales of driving forces will largely determine the significance of porewater fluxes, as well as their chemical composition. {T}hus, an appropriate evaluation of the magnitude of porewater-driven solute fluxes and their consequences for coastal ecosystems requires a solid and site-specific understanding of the underlying physical forces.}, keywords = {{FRANCE} ; {LA} {PALME} {LAGUNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {H}ydrology}, volume = {581}, numero = {}, pages = {12436 [13 ]}, ISSN = {0022-1694}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124363}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010088436}, }