@article{fdi:010088396, title = {{A}daptation of a thermorheological lava flow model for venus conditions}, author = {{F}lynn, {I}.{T}.{W}. and {C}hevrel, {M}agdalena {O}ryaelle and {R}amsey, {M}.{S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}ctive volcanism was (and potentially still is) an important process that shapes the {V}enus surface and its detection is a primary goal for the planned {VERITAS} and {E}n{V}ision missions. {T}herefore, understanding lava flow emplacement and timing on {V}enus is important. {W}e adapt the terrestrial {P}y{FLOWGO} thermorheological model to {V}enus conditions to assess the effects on channelized lava flow propagation. {W}e first initiate the model with terrestrial basaltic parameters and progressively adapt it to {V}enusian conditions in five steps: (a) gravity, (b) ambient atmospheric temperature, (c) specific heat capacity and wind speed, (d) atmospheric density, and (e) coupled convective and radiative heat flux. {C}ompared to {E}arth, the slightly lower gravity on {V}enus resulted in a lower flow velocity, a higher crust coverage, and a very minor increase in flow length (0.1%). {I}ncreasing the ambient atmospheric temperature reduced heat loss and produced a (77%) longer flow; whereas next accounting for the atmospheric specific heat capacity and wind speed increased the flow length slightly more (81%). {H}owever, increasing the atmospheric density resulted in a shorter lava flow (13%) due to more efficient cooling. {F}inally, accounting for coupled convective and radiative heat loss due to the strong {CO}2 infrared absorption resulted in an increase of the flow length (?75%). {A}lthough the model applies only to channelized, cooling-limited flows, these results reveal that for the same effective effusion rate and topography, a {V}enusian lava flow travels a longer distance than the equivalent flow on {E}arth and its cooling should be detectable by future orbital instruments.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch : {P}lanets}, volume = {128}, numero = {7}, pages = {en ligne [19 ]}, ISSN = {2169-9097}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.1029/2022{JE}007710}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010088396}, }