@article{fdi:010087439, title = {{P}rokaryotic diversity and dynamics during dinoflagellate bloom decays in coastal {T}unisian waters}, author = {{L}ajnef, {R}. and {Q}u{\'e}m{\'e}neur, {M}arianne and {A}bdennadher, {M}. and {W}alha, {L}. {D}. and {H}amza, {A}. and {B}elhassen, {M}. and {Z}ouari, {A}. {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {(1) {B}ackground: {H}armful algal blooms ({HAB}s) can negatively impact marine ecosystems, but few studies have evaluated the microbial diversity associated with {HAB}s and its potential role in the fates of these proliferations. (2) {M}ethods: {M}arine prokaryotic diversity was investigated using high-throughput sequencing of the 16{S} r{RNA} gene during the bloom declines of two dinoflagellates detected in the summer of 2019 along the northern and southern {T}unisian coasts ({S}outh {M}editerranean {S}ea). {T}he species {G}ymnodinium impudicum ({C}arthage, {T}unis {G}ulf) and {A}lexandrium minutum ({S}fax, {G}abes {G}ulf) were identified using microscopy and molecular methods and were related to physicochemical factors and prokaryotic compositions. (3) {R}esults: {T}he abundance of {G}. impudicum decreased over time with decreasing phosphate concentrations. {D}uring the {G}. impudicum bloom decay, prokaryotes were predominated by the archaeal {MGII} group ({T}halassarchaeaceae), {P}elagibacterales ({SAR}11), {R}hodobacterales, and {F}lavobacteriales. {A}t {S}fax, the abundance of {A}. minutum declined with decreasing phosphate concentrations and increasing p{H}. {A}t the {A}. minutum peak, prokaryotic communities were largely dominated by anoxygenic phototrophic sulfur-oxidizing {C}hromatiaceae ({G}ammaproteobacteria) before decreasing at the end of the survey. {B}oth the ubiquitous archaeal {MGII} group and {P}elagibacterales were found in low proportions during the {A}. minutum decay. {C}ontrary to the photosynthetic {C}yanobacteria, the photo-autotrophic and -heterotrophic {R}hodobacterales and {F}lavobacteriales contents remained stable during the dinoflagellate bloom decays. (4) {C}onclusions: {T}hese results indicated changes in prokaryotic community diversity during dinoflagellate bloom decays, suggesting different bacterial adaptations to environmental conditions, with stable core populations that were potentially able to degrade {HAB}s.}, keywords = {bacteria ; archaea ; microbial diversity ; {HAB}s ; dinoflagellates ; {T}unisia ; {M}editerranean {S}ea ; marine ecosystems ; {A}lexandrium ; {G}ymnodinium ; {TUNISIE} ; {MEDITERRANEE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{D}iversity}, volume = {15}, numero = {2}, pages = {273 [18 ]}, year = {2023}, DOI = {10.3390/d15020273}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010087439}, }