@article{fdi:010087423, title = {{W}ho matters most ? {M}igrant networks, tie strength, and first rural-urban migration to {D}akar}, author = {{B}oujija, {Y}. and {B}ignami, {S}. and {D}elaunay, {V}al{\'e}rie and {S}andberg, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}ocial networks' influence on migration has long been explored largely through the lenses of cumulative cau sation and social cap ital the ory. {T}his arti cle aims to reconceptualize ele ments of these the o ries for the case of rural-urban migration and test their util ity in explaining first-migration timing. {W}e use a uniquely exten sive social network survey linked to pro spectively col lected migration data in rural {S}enegal. {W}e decompose migrant networks into return migrants, current migrants, and non mi grant res i dents of the des tination to capture hetero gene ity in migration-rel evant social cap ital. {A}s expected, the number of non mi grant alters living in the cap i tal, {D}akar, has an out-sized asso ci ation with the migration haz ard, the number of current migrants from the vil lage liv ing in {D}akar has a smaller asso ci ation, and the number of return migrants has little asso ci ation. {D}rawing on social cap ital the ory, we test the influ ence of (1) subjec-tively assessed tie strength between the ego and their network alters and (2) struc turally weak ties mea sured through sec ond-order ("friend of a friend") connections. {W}eak and strong subjective ties to current migrants and non mi grant {D}akar res i dents are pos itively asso ci ated with the first-migration haz ard. {S}tructurally weak ties to current migrants are too, but only for individu als with no direct ties to current migrants.}, keywords = {{M}igrant networks ; {I}nternal migration ; {S}ocial capital ; {S}ocial networks ; {SENEGAL} ; {DAKAR}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{D}emography}, volume = {59}, numero = {5}, pages = {1683--1711}, ISSN = {0070-3370}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1215/00703370-10191592)}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010087423}, }