@article{fdi:010087054, title = {{T}he development world : conflicts of interest at all levels}, author = {{R}idde, {V}al{\'e}ry and {O}livier de {S}ardan, {J}.{P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e analyze the multitude of conflicts of interest to which all actors in the development chain are subject. {O}ur aim is to reflect on how the findings of research and evaluations conducted on development interventions of all kinds can be biased as a result. {T}his analysis rests on an inclusive definition of conflict of interest, which exists whenever an actor's public stance is constrained by interests that put pressure on him or her to either express statements that contradict his or her own perceptions or knowledge, or to withhold criticism that he or she would otherwise be prepared to express. {W}e illustrate the analysis with many cases based on our long experience in the field. {I}dentifying problems encountered by a development intervention must be understood as a key step in formulating solutions adapted to local contexts.}, keywords = {{MONDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}evue {I}nternationale des {E}tudes du {D}{\'e}veloppement}, volume = {249}, numero = {}, pages = {247--269}, ISSN = {2554-3415}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.4000/ried.1530}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010087054}, }