@article{fdi:010086929, title = {{R}evision of {C}arapichea ({R}ubiaceae-{P}sychotrieae) in the {G}uianas, with two new combinations and transfer of three species to {N}otopleura}, author = {{L}achenaud, {O}. and {D}elprete, {P}iero}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground and aims - {T}he genus {C}arapichea ({R}ubiaceae), recently resurrected and separated from {P}sychotria, currently includes 24 {N}eotropical species and is morphologically heterogeneous. {A} revision of the genus in the {G}uianas is presented here, as part of the authors' work on the {R}ubiaceae treatment in the {F}lora of the {G}uianas series. {M}aterial and methods - {T}his paper is based on a study of herbarium specimens from {BBS}, {BM}, {BR}, {BRB}, {CAY}, {INPA}, {K}, {P}, {P}-{JJR}, and {U}; type specimens from other herbaria were consulted online. {S}ome of the species were also studied in the field by the authors. {N}ormal practices of herbarium taxonomy have been applied. {R}esults - {T}hree species previously included in {C}arapichea ({C}. altsonii, {C}. nivea, and {C}. sandwithiana) show aberrant characters for the genus and are transferred to {N}otopleura; new combinations are published for the former two ({N}. altsonii and {N}. nivea). {E}ight species of {C}arapichea, one of them still imperfectly known, are recorded from the {G}uianas; a ninth species, {C}. araguariensis, is included in this revision as it is expected to occur in the region. {N}ew combinations are published for two species: {C}arapichea galbaoensis and {C}. squamelligera, based on {P}sychotria galbaoensis and {P}. squamelligera, respectively; the former species was previously included in synonymy of {C}. guianensis, which is here redefined in a narrower sense. {T}he delimitation of {C}. ligularis is expanded to include {C}. pacimonica as a synonym. {T}he first records of {C}. adinantha in {F}rench {G}uiana - and the {G}uiana {S}hield - are documented. {T}he taxonomy of the two remaining species, {C}. tillettii and {C}. urniformis, is left unchanged. {F}or every species a complete description is presented, as well as data on distribution, ecology, phenology, local names (when known), and a list of collections studied.}, keywords = {{C}arapichea ; {P}sychotria ; {U}ragoga ; {S}tachyococcus ; {G}uiana {S}hield ; {F}rench ; {G}uiana ; {S}uriname ; {G}uyana ; {N}eotropics ; {GUYANE} {FRANCAISE} ; {SURINAME} ; {GUYANA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant {E}cology and {E}volution}, volume = {155}, numero = {2}, pages = {275--300}, ISSN = {2032-3913}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.5091/plecevo.90936}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010086929}, }