@article{fdi:010086368, title = {{H}ow tectonic, volcanic and climatic processes in {A}ndean 'sky islands' shaped the diversification of endemic ground beetles}, author = {{M}urienne, {J}. and {B}arragan, {A}. and {M}anzi, {S}. and {S}amaniego, {P}ablo and {M}oret, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}im {T}he {A}ndean superparamo ecosystem, above c. 4200 m a.s.l., currently forms an archipelago of isolated 'sky islands' which provides a unique setting to study biogeography. {H}owever, there is still a poor understanding of how past geological events, together with past climatic changes, have shaped the distribution of life in this ecosystem. {O}ur aim was to investigate the importance of biogeographical barriers in local diversifications and to analyse how populations have become isolated on current 'sky islands'. {L}ocation {N}eotropics, {A}ndes, {P}aramo, {E}cuador. {T}axon {C}oleoptera, {C}arabidae, {P}latynini, {D}yscolus. {M}ethods {W}e first used distributional data of 45 superparamo specialist species to define areas of endemism in northern {E}cuador. {W}e then selected 34 currently isolated populations of 12 species to perform a high-throughput genome skimming approach encompassing the complete mitogenome and the complete nuclear ribosomal cluster. {W}e also generated a time-calibrated estimation for the diversification of the group, and compared it to geochronological data. {R}esults {A} high proportion (60%) of the sampled species are microendemic, being restricted to a single mountain summit. {T}hree mutually exclusive areas of endemism are limited by deep transverse valleys across the {A}ndes, and {P}liocene speciation events are related to these orogenic barriers. {T}he phylogeny obtained from the genome-skimming approach provides a robust base to analyse the diversification of superparamo endemic species and populations throughout the {P}lio-{P}leistocene. {M}ain conclusions {T}he opening of the {I}nterandean {V}alley did not play a significant role in the diversification of the group prior to the {P}leistocene. {M}ore recently, multiple populations have become isolated on the superparamo of various volcanoes by independently colonizing this habitat during repeated cycles of glacial-interglacial periods. {O}ur results highlight the joint contribution of orogeny and climatic fluctuations for explaining the current patterns of distribution. {E}ach species had a different colonization history, with its populations reaching the different volcanoes at different glacial-interglacial cycles. {O}ur approach also can provide a powerful tool to constrain the geological processes responsible for the topographic changes along and across the {C}ordillera.}, keywords = {carabids ; genome-skimming ; geogenomics ; neotropics ; phylogeography ; {P}leistocene climate change ; volcano ; {EQUATEUR} ; {ANDES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {B}iogeography}, volume = {49}, numero = {11}, pages = {2077--2090}, ISSN = {0305-0270}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1111/jbi.14495}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010086368}, }