@article{fdi:010086323, title = {{D}evelopment of harmful algal blooms species responsible for lipophilic and amnesic shellfish poisoning intoxications in southwestern {M}editerranean coastal waters}, author = {{A}boualaalaa, {H}. and {E}l {K}biach, {M}. {L}. and {L}eblad, {B}. {R}. and {H}erve, {F}. and {H}ormat-{A}llah, {A}. and {B}audy, {L}. and {E}nnaskhi, {I}. and {H}ammi, {I}. and {I}bghi, {M}. and {E}lmortaji, {H}. and {A}badie, {E}. and {R}olland, {J}. {L}. and {A}mzil, {Z}. and {L}aabir, {M}ohamed}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}editerranean waters have undergone environmental changes during the last decades leading to various modifications of the structure of phytoplankton populations, especially {H}armful {A}lgal {B}looms ({HAB}s) species. {M}onitoring of the potentially toxic phytoplankton species was carried out biweekly in the western {M}editerranean coast of {M}orocco from {M}arch 2018 to {M}arch 2019. {L}ipophilic {S}hellfish {T}oxins ({LST}s) using {LC}-{MS}/{MS} and {D}omoic {A}cid ({DA}) using {HPLC}-{UV} were measured in the exploited mollusks, the cockle {A}canthocardia tuberculata and the smooth clam {C}allista chione. {W}e also determined the prevailing environmental factors in four surveyed sites ({M}'diq bay, {M}artil, {K}aa {A}sras, and {D}jawn) selected to cover a variety of coastal ecosystems. {R}esults showed that {P}seudo-nitzschia spp. a {DA} producer species, was abundant with a pick of 50 x 10(3) cells l(-1) on {O}ctober 2018 in {D}jawn. {D}inophysis caudata was the dominate {D}inophysis species and showed a maximum density of 2200 cells l(-1) on {J}uly in {D}jawn. {P}rorocentrum lima, an epibenthic dinoflagellate, appeared rarely in the water column with densities < 80 cells l(-1). {G}onyaulax spinifera and {P}rotoceratium reticulatum were found occasionally with a maximum density of 160 cells l(-1). {K}arenia selliformis was detected only five times (< 80 cells l(-1)) throughout the survey period. {LC}-{MS}/{MS} analyses revealed the presence of {OA}/{DTX}3, {PTX}-2, {PTX}-2 sa, and {PTX}-2 sa epi in the cockle at concentrations of up to 44.81 ({OA}/{DTX}-3+{PTX}s) ng g(-1) meat. {GYM}-{A} was detected in the clam at concentrations of up to 4.22 ng g(-1) meat. {F}or the first time, {AZA}s and {YTX}s were detected in the southwestern {M}editerranean with maximum values of 2.49 and 10.93 ng g(-1) meat of cockle, respectively. {DA} was detected in moderate concentrations not exceeding 5.65 mu g g(-1) in both mollusks. {R}esults showed that the observed toxic algae in the water column were responsible from the analysed toxins in the mollusks. {I}t is likely that the southwestern {M}editerranean waters could see the development of emergent species producing potent toxins ({YTX}s, {AZA}s, {GYM}-{A}). {T}hese dinoflagellates have to be isolated, ribotyped, and their toxin profiles determined.}, keywords = {{S}outhwestern mediterranean ; {L}ipophilic and amnesic toxins ; {E}nvironmental factors ; {HAB}s ; {M}ollusk's contamination ; {LC}-{MS}/{MS} analyses ; {MAROC} ; {MEDITERRANEE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}oxicon}, volume = {219}, numero = {}, pages = {106916 [16 ]}, ISSN = {0041-0101}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1016/j.toxicon.2022.09.002}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010086323}, }