@article{fdi:010086266, title = {{L}atitudinal variability of preserved sedimentary organic matter along the {P}eruvian continental margin as inferred from petrographic and geochemical properties}, author = {{I}garza, {M}. and {B}oussafir, {M}. and {G}raco, {M}. and {S}ifeddine, {A}bdelfettah and {V}ald{\'e}s, {J}. and {G}uti{\'e}rrez, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}rocesses controlling preservation and accumulation of organic matter ({OM}) in marine sediments are highly sensitive towards both natural and anthropogenic impacts. {T}hus, the sedimentary {OM} is considered a key proxy for the characterization of recent and past sedimentary environments. {A}long the {P}eruvian continental margin ({PCM}), high primary production and an intense oxygen minimum zone ({OMZ}) favor the accumulation and preservation of {OM} in sediments. {S}patial variations in oceanographic conditions impact on both productivity and the redox conditions, in particular the {OMZ} intensity. {T}hese factors in turn lead to spatial differences in depositional conditions and {OM} accumulation and preservation. {T}herefore, this study aims at characterizing nature and types of recent sedimentary {OM} along the {PCM} covering a wide latitudinal and bathymetric range. {W}ith this purpose, a total of 29 surface sediment samples were collected from {T}umbes (3°{S}) to {S}an {J}uan (15°{S}) and analyzed by means of organic petrography (palynofacies analysis) and {R}ock-{E}val pyrolysis. {R}esults allowed characterizing the {OM} from recent sediments. {A}long the {PCM}, the sedimentary {OM} is predominantly amorphous, revealing its overwhelming marine origin. {T}he highest abundances of gelified amorphous {OM}, total organic carbon, {S}1 and {S}2 {R}ock-{E}val fractions occurred towards the southern part of the study area, especially off {C}allao (12°{S}) and {P}isco (14°{S}), considered important upwelling and primary productivity centers. {A} principal component analysis performed allowed the description of main {OM} depositional environments. {I}n the outer continental shelf of {C}allao (12°{S}) and {OMZ} of {P}isco (14°{S}), accumulation of well-preserved {OM} occurs whereas in the inner shelf of {C}allao redox oscillations lead to less {OM} accumulation and pyrite formation in sediments. {N}orth of {C}allao, from {T}umbes (3°{S}) to {H}uacho (11°{S}), a mixed signal of {OM} accumulation was observed. {F}inally, along the slope, transportation processes seem to play a key role in {OM} accumulation. {T}his study also allowed the evaluation of certain proxies (e.g. {R}ock-{E}val hydrogen index and oxygen index) routinely used in palaeoceanographic studies.}, keywords = {{PEROU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}arine {C}hemistry}, volume = {235}, numero = {}, pages = {104004 [12 ]}, ISSN = {0304-4203}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1016/j.marchem.2021.104004}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010086266}, }