@article{fdi:010086258, title = {{A} new species of {C}yphocaris {B}oeck, 1871 ({A}mphipoda : {L}ysianassoidea : {C}yphocarididae) : found off the {R}ocas {A}toll, {N}ortheastern {B}razil}, author = {{A}ndrade, {L}.{F}. and {A}lves-{J}Ășnior, {F}. and {B}ertrand, {A}rnaud and {S}enna, {A}.{R}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} new species of the genus {C}yphocaris {B}oeck, 1871, is described. {T}he material examined was collected during the '{A}coustics along the {B}razilian {C}oast' ({A}bra{\c{c}}os 1) project, by micronek-tonic trawls at a targeted depth of 525 m, off the {R}ocas {A}toll, {R}io {G}rande do {N}orte state, {B}razil. {C}yphocaris boecki sp. nov. can be grouped with the eyed species in the genus but differs from them except for {C}. faurei {K}. {H}. {B}arnard, 1916 and {C}. latirama, {H}endrycks & {C}onlan, 2003 - in presenting a dorsally smooth pereonite 1. {H}owever, the new species can be distinguished from both by its maxilliped inner plate with two robust apical setae, pereopod 7 basis with weakly produced posterodistal lobe, telson lobes without setae, spines or apical nails, and other characters that are individually discussed among them. {T}he new species can be readily differentiated from {C}. pedroi {S}orrentino, {A}lves, {J}ohnsson & {S}enna, 2016, also described from {B}razil, by presenting eyes, a rounded lateral cephalic lobe, very elongated antenna 2 almost reaching body length, and pereopod 5 basis, with apically acute spur reaching about two-thirds of the propodus. {T}his is the second record of the genus for {B}razilian waters.}, keywords = {{BRESIL} ; {RIO} {GRANDE} {DO} {NORTE} ; {ATLANTIQUE} ; {DAS} {ROCAS} {ATOLL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}axonomy}, volume = {1}, numero = {4}, pages = {360--373}, ISSN = {2673-6500}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.3390/taxonomy1040027}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010086258}, }