@article{fdi:010086072, title = {{L}ocalized recharge processes in the {NE} {M}ekong {D}elta and implications for groundwater quality}, author = {{T}u, {T}. {A}. and {T}weed, {S}arah and {D}an, {N}. {P}. and {D}escloitres, {M}arc and {Q}uang, {K}. {H}. and {N}emery, {J}. and {N}guyen, {A}. and {L}eblanc, {M}. and {B}aduel, {C}hristine}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{U}nderstanding recharge in the {M}ekong {D}elta is critical for the delta's groundwater resources, and requires the investigation of recharge processes at the local scale. {I}n this study of the north eastern area of the {M}ekong {D}elta, time-series of environmental tracer data (delta {O}-18, delta {H}-2, major ions and {H}-3) and markers of rural pollution ({NH}4 and {NO}3) were used to highlight localized recharge and impacts on groundwater quality. {R}esults highlighted new hydrological insights into recharge processes, including that the {P}leistocene aquifer receives recent recharge (< 60 years), predominantly during high rainfall months (> 100 mm/month). {H}owever, due to shallow clay layers there are significant spatial variations in these recharge processes, which were observed in the seasonal fluctuation of groundwater delta {O}-18 values in groundwater. {W}et season delta {O}-18 changes ranged from below analytical uncertainty (<= 0.10 parts per thousand) to up to 0.56 parts per thousand, and the calculated fraction of rainfall contribution to the aquifer is <= 5 % to 16 %. {R}ainfall recharge via the acrisol soils results in low groundwater {EC} (20-55 mu {S}/cm), acidic groundwater (p{H} 3.6-5.6), and may also have resulted in the low groundwater {NO}3 concentrations (<= 5.3 mg {NO}3/{L}) at many sites due to adsorption, therefore delaying not reducing {NO}3 contamination. {S}ite specific variations in nitrogen processes includes increased {NO}3 (to 29.7 mg/{L}) from fertiliser transfers or nitrification, and increased {NH}4 (to 1.4 mg/{L}) likely due to the recharge of irrigation waters. {U}nlike other recharge areas across the northern {M}ekong {D}elta, this north-eastern region provides a groundwater resource unaffected by arsenic contamination. {T}herefore, these results should inform on priority areas for protection from further contamination by rural anthropogenic activities.}, keywords = {{L}ocalized recharge ; {G}roundwater ; {S}table isotopes ; {T}ritium ; {N}itrate ; {A}cidity ; {VIET} {NAM} ; {MEKONG} {DELTA} ; {SAIGON} {COURS} {D}'{EAU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}cience of the {T}otal {E}nvironment}, volume = {845}, numero = {}, pages = {157118 [14 ]}, ISSN = {0048-9697}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.157118}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010086072}, }