@article{fdi:010086068, title = {{K}athmandu {B}asin as a local modulator of seismic waves : 2-{D} modelling of non-linear site response under obliquely incident waves}, author = {{O}ral, {E}. and {A}youbi, {P}. and {A}mpuero, {J}ean-{P}aul and {A}simaki, {D}. and {B}onilla, {L}. {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he 2015 {M}-w 7.8 {G}orkha, {N}epal earthquake is the largest event to have struck the capital city of {K}athmandu in recent times. {O}ne of its surprising features was the frequency content of the recorded ground motion, exhibiting a notable amplification at low frequencies (<2 {H}z) and a contrasting depletion at higher frequencies. {T}he latter has been partially attributed to the damper behaviour of the {K}athmandu basin. {W}hile such weak high-frequency ground motion helped avoiding severe damage in the city, the catastrophic outcomes of earlier earthquakes in the region attest to a contrasting role of the {K}athmandu basin as a broad-band amplifier, in addition to possible source effects. {G}iven the possibility of future strong events in the region, our main objective is to elucidate the seismic behaviour of the {K}athmandu basin by focusing on site effects. {W}e numerically model 2-{D} {P}-{SV} wave propagation in a broad frequency band (up to 10 {H}z), incorporating the most recent data for the {K}athmandu basin geometry, soil stratigraphy and geotechnical soil properties, and accounting for the non-linear effect of multidimensional soil plasticity on wave propagation. {W}e find that: (1) the {K}athmandu basin generally amplifies low frequency ground motion (<2 {H}z); (2) waves with large incidence angles relative to vertical can dramatically amplify the high frequency ground motion with respect to bedrock despite the damping effect of soil non-linearity and (3) the spatial distribution of peak ground motion amplitudes along the basin is highly sensitive to soil non-linearity and wave incidence (angle and direction), favouring larger values near the basin edges located closer to the source, as observed during the 2015 event. {O}ur modelling approach and findings can support the ongoing resilience practices in {N}epal and can guide future seismic hazard assessment studies for other sites that feature similar complexities in basin geometry, soil stratigraphy and dynamic soil behaviour.}, keywords = {{E}lasticity and anelasticity ; {A}sia ; {N}umerical modelling ; {E}arthquake ; ground motions ; {S}ite effects ; {W}ave propagation ; {NEPAL} ; {KATMANDOU} {BASSIN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eophysical {J}ournal {I}nternational}, volume = {231}, numero = {3}, pages = {1996--2008}, ISSN = {0956-540{X}}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1093/gji/ggac302}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010086068}, }