Publications des scientifiques de l'IRD

Bourdier Frédéric. (2019). From confrontation to mediation : cambodian farmers expelled by a vietnamese company. In : Norén-Nilsson A. (ed.), Bourdier Frédéric (ed.). Social movements in Cambodia. Journal of Current Southeast Asia Affairs, 38 (1), 55-76. ISSN 1868-4882.

Titre du document
From confrontation to mediation : cambodian farmers expelled by a vietnamese company
Année de publication
Type de document
Article référencé dans le Web of Science WOS:000751651100004
Bourdier Frédéric
Norén-Nilsson A. (ed.), Bourdier Frédéric (ed.) Social movements in Cambodia
Journal of Current Southeast Asia Affairs, 2019, 38 (1), 55-76 ISSN 1868-4882
Concessions granted to investors in Cambodia have generated a deep sense of insecurity in rural forested areas. Villagers are not confined to a passive 'everyday resistance of the poor', as mentioned by James Scott, insofar as they frequently engage in frontal strategies for recovering land. Such has been the case in the northeastern provinces, where indigenous livelihoods are recurrently threatened by foreign and national companies. But what happens when a land conflict ends up in a stakeholder dialogue ? The article intends to follow such a story that occurred for the first time in Ratanakiri, in a vast territory inhabited by several ethnic groups. After gruelling hostilities with the encroacher, dispossessed farmers finally accepted, encouraged by international/national NGOs, to comply with existing mechanisms associated with international law regulations and World Bank procedures. It ends up in an institutionalised mediation, technical and apolitical, which turned to the disadvantage of the people, with evident power imbalance. Our analysis, while portraying the trajectories of national/international actors involved in the mediation process, reveals the effects on this mediation on local sociopolitical organisations.
Plan de classement
Milieu rural, sociologie rurale, systèmes agraires, foncier rural [098RURAL1] ; Anthropologie [106ANTHRO1] ; Structures sociales, mouvements sociaux [106GESOC1]
Fonds IRD [F A010085509]
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