@article{fdi:010085323, title = {{Q}uantifying microseismic noise generation from coastal reflection of gravity waves recorded by seafloor {DAS}}, author = {{G}uerin, {G}. and {R}ivet, {D}. and van den {E}nde, {M}. {P}. {A}. and {S}tutzmann, {E}. and {S}laden, {A}. and {A}mpuero, {J}ean-{P}aul}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}econdary microseisms are the most energetic noise in continuous seismometer recordings. {T}hey are generated by interactions between ocean waves, including between gravity waves incident on and reflected from the coast. {C}oastal reflections of ocean waves leading to coastal microseismic sources are hard to estimate in various global numerical wave models, and independent quantification of these coastal sources through direct measurements can greatly improve these models. {H}ere, we exploit a 41-km-long submarine optical fibre ({OF}) cable located offshore {T}oulon, {F}rance, using distributed acoustic sensing ({DAS}). {W}e record both the amplitude and frequency of seafloor strains induced by ocean surface gravity waves, as well as secondary microseisms caused by the interaction of gravity waves incident and reflected from the coast. {B}y leveraging the spatially distributed nature of {DAS} measurements, additional fundamental information is recovered such as the velocity and azimuth of the waves. {W}e find that on average 30 per cent of the gravity waves are reflected at the coast generating local sources of secondary microseisms that manifest as {S}cholte waves. {T}hese local sources represent the most energetic contribution to the seismic noise recorded along the {OF} and by an onshore broad-band station located near the {DAS} interrogator. {F}urthermore, we estimate a coastal reflection coefficient of ocean surface gravity waves {R}-2 of about 0.07, which provides improved constraints for seismic noise generation models. {I}n addition, we show that new local sources of microseisms can be generated when gravity waves characteristics (azimuth and frequency content) change and lead to some delays between the {OF} cable and buoy recordings. {T}hese analyses pave the way for a wide use of {DAS} data to monitor ocean-solid earth interactions as they provide a wealth of information on the reflection of gravity waves, coastal microseismic sources, and new constraints for numerical models of microseismic noise.}, keywords = {{S}eismic noise ; {W}ave propagation ; {I}nterface waves ; {MEDITERRANEE} ; {FRANCE} ; {TOULON}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eophysical {J}ournal {I}nternational}, volume = {231}, numero = {1}, pages = {394--407}, ISSN = {0956-540{X}}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1093/gji/ggac200}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010085323}, }