@article{fdi:010085275, title = {{M}osaic glimpses : serious games, generous constraints, and sustainable futures in {K}andal, {C}ambodia}, author = {{V}enot, {J}ean-{P}hilippe and {J}ensen, {C}. {B}. and {D}elay, {E}. and {D}are, {W}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his paper uses a series of serious games - a form of participatory modelling designed and played in {K}andal, {C}ambodia -as an entry point for reexamining relations between development projects, participatory formats, landscape transformations, and sustainable futures. {C}ritics of development and participation have shown that participatory formats simplify real-world complexities by rendering them technical. {T}his is also the case for serious games. {B}ut contrary to what is often assumed, 'depoliticization' is not the unavoidable outcome. {I}nstead, participatory outcomes depend on specific sociotechnical patterns of more or less generous constraints. {T}o support collective exploration requires tinkering with these patterns of constraints to keep the boundaries between virtual and real worlds, insiders and outsiders, and the present and future relatively permeable. {G}enerous constraints and permeable boundaries do not keep power out of participation but facilitate glimpses of different possibilities. {I}n {K}andal, they made it possible to shift from narrow technical discussions on the rehabilitation of specific preks (water channels) towards a collective exploration of sustainable futures for the full mosaic landscape. {I}n general, we argue, serious games hold potentials as experimental systems, which are serious to the extent that they work like technologies of humility. {I}n this capacity, they can support efforts to do difference together, and explore more-than-human worlds and divergent practical ontologies. {L}earning from this multiplicity matters for moving towards sustainable forms of living in {K}andal and elsewhere.}, keywords = {{D}evelopment ; {P}articipation ; {L}andscape transformation ; {T}echnologies of humility ; {M}ekong ; {C}ambodia ; {CAMBODGE} ; {MEKONG} ; {KANDAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{W}orld {D}evelopment}, volume = {151}, numero = {}, pages = {105779 [11 ]}, ISSN = {0305-750{X}}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1016/j.worlddev.2021.105779}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010085275}, }