@article{fdi:010085246, title = {{F}arm production diversity and women's dietary diversity : evidence from central {T}unisia}, author = {{G}aillard, {C}. and {V}erger, {E}ric and {D}ury, {S}. and {D}op, {M}arie-{C}laude and {E}l {A}ti, {J}. and {M}edina {S}tudy {G}roup}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n the context of studies on the effects of agricultural production diversity, there are debates in the scientific community as to the level of diversification appropriate for improving dietary diversity. {I}n {T}unisia, agriculture is a strategic sector for the economy and a critical pillar of its food sovereignty. {U}sing instrumental variable methods to account for endogeneity, we have estimated the association between agricultural production diversity and women's dietary diversity among smallholder farming households in the {S}idi {B}ouzid governorate (central {T}unisia). {A}lthough we found a low level of agricultural production diversity and a fairly diversified diet among women, we observed a systematic weak positive association between five different indicators of agricultural production diversity and women's dietary diversity. {W}e observed a stronger positive association between women's dietary diversity and women being more educated and households being wealthier. {N}either diversity of food supplies in food markets nor market distance were associated with women's dietary diversity, whereas we observed a higher level of consumption of some products (dairy) when they were produced on the farm.}, keywords = {{TUNISIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{PL}o{S} {O}ne}, volume = {17}, numero = {2}, pages = {e0263276 [22 ]}, ISSN = {1932-6203}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0263276}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010085246}, }