@article{fdi:010084739, title = {{F}irst {A}patite ({U}-{T}h)/{H}e and apatite fission-track thermochronology dataset from the {A}bancay {D}eflection ({E}astern {C}ordillera, {S}outhern {P}eru) [{D}ata paper]}, author = {{G}erard, {B}. and {R}obert, {X}avier and {A}udin, {L}aurence and {G}autheron, {C}. and {B}ernet, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}ccording to their respective temperature sensitivities, {A}patite ({U}-{T}h)/{H}e ({AH}e) and apatite fission-track ({AFT}) thermochronology records the thermal evolution of the upper crust (<5 km) and is a key for distinguishing between different exhumation mechanisms through time-evolving rock uplift, and landscape evolution. {W}e applied these methods to extract the thermal evolution of the upper crust in the {A}bancay {D}eflection at the northern edge of the {A}ltiplano (southern {P}eru). {W}e present 120 single-crystal {AH}e ages (from 31 samples) and 27 {AFT} central ages obtained from magmatic bodies across the study area. {AH}e ages range from 0.6 +/- 0.1 to 35.8 +/- 2.9 {M}a with a satisfactory reproducibility of single-crystal {AH}e ages with less than 10% averaged dispersion. {AFT} ages range from 2.6 +/- 1.9 to 38.2 +/- 4.4 {M}a with {P}(chi(2)) values >5%. {T}his dataset allows exploring the crust evolution from the late-{E}ocene to the {Q}uaternary. {D}ata processed and interpreted in the related article published in {T}ectonics [6] are stored in {PANGAEA} repository (108 {AH}e single-grain ages and 27 {AFT} ages). {W}e furthermore present in this article 12 extra single-grain {AH}e ages obtained after the related article publication. {W}e also present the details of fission-track length measurements published in the related article. {T}hermochronological ages could be reused for testing {H}e diffusion or fission track annealing processes or investigating the broader tectonic/geodynamic evolution of the {A}ndes.}, keywords = {{I}n-situ apatite ; {A}bancay {D}eflection magmatic bodies ({U}-{T}h)/{H}e data ; {F}ission-track data ; {P}eru ; {E}astern {C}ordillera ; {A}ltiplano ; {U}pper crust ; cooling dynamic ; {PEROU} ; {ANDES} ; {CORDILLERE} {ORIENTALE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{D}ata in {B}rief}, volume = {40}, numero = {}, pages = {107748 [11 ]}, ISSN = {2352-3409}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1016/j.dib.2021.107748}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010084739}, }