@article{fdi:010084682, title = {{P}aleohydrological history of {L}ake {A}llos (2200 m a.s.l) since 13 500 cal a bp in the {M}editerranean {A}lps inferred from an ostracod delta {O}-18 record}, author = {{C}artier, {R}. and {V}idal, {L}. and {S}ylvestre, {F}lorence and {S}onzogni, {C}. and {G}uiter, {F}. and {B}risset, {E}. and {M}iramont, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his paper presents the first {L}ateglacial/{H}olocene (the last 13 500 cal a bp) ostracod delta {O}-18 record to infer hydroclimate variability in the {S}outhern {F}rench {A}lps. {C}ytherissa lacustris (delta {O}-18(sp)) shells extracted from the sediments of {L}ake {A}llos allowed a reconstruction of delta {O}-18(lake water) (delta {O}-18(lw)) except for the interval 5800-2800 cal a bp. {T}he shape of the {Y}ounger {D}ryas ({YD}) clearly differed from records documented in the northern {A}lps. {F}irst, delta {O}-18(lw) values remained close to modern values before a marked drop ca. 12 000 cal a bp. {T}hen, after several oscillations, delta {O}-18(lw) values increased, reaching the highest value of the record ca. 6100 cal a bp during a thermal optimum for this latitude. {F}inally, low delta {O}-18(lw) values occurred from 450 to 100 cal a bp during the {L}ittle {I}ce {A}ge ({LIA}) following the {M}edieval {C}limate anomaly. {A}t the beginning of the {YD}, delta {O}-18(lw) probably reflected changes in local glacier dynamics and precipitation sources. {T}he following decrease in delta {O}-18(lw) values was associated with higher freshwater inputs during the second half of the {YD}. {D}uring the {LIA}, the low delta {O}-18 values are consistent with a higher torrential activity and lower air temperatures.}, keywords = {{ZONE} {MEDITERRANEENNE} ; {L}ateglacial ; {H}olocene ; {M}editerranean {A}lps ; ostracods ; oxygen isotopes ; paleohydrology ; {FRANCE} ; {ALPES} ; {ALLOS} {LAC}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {Q}uaternary {S}cience}, volume = {[{E}arly access]}, numero = {}, pages = {[12 ]}, ISSN = {0267-8179}, year = {2022}, DOI = {10.1002/jqs.3425}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010084682}, }